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Homeward Bound...we're in Tokyo - sort of...

semi-overcast 10 °C

Our Valentine's Day this year will be the longest either of us have ever experienced! We will fly back across the international date line before "our" Feb 14th ends, and join the Feb 14th people in North America began a little while ago!

We were up early to finish packing and have breakfast before checking out of the Nakhorn Feung Balcony and enjoying a quick taxi ride to Suvarnabhumi International (BKK) - some serious tropical rain fell as we arrived at the airport, the first downpour like that since we arrived! It soon stopped and Bangkok resumed its normal (for "winter") heat and humidity...BKK had a nice display that reminded us of last night's Khon dance, and we noticed a SUPPORT shop, another of Queen Sirikit's efforts to help Thai women market their handicrafts - we've decided that the Royal couple deserve the overwhelming popular support they enjoy from Thais.

We arrived at Tokyo Haneda after a pleasant 6 hour flight with All Nippon Airways, during which we were again impressed by the wonderful service the asian airlines provide: hot damp cloths, excellent snacks, drinks and meals all dispensed with quiet efficiency and beautiful smiles! North American airlines take note!


Posted by alangcampbell 03:09 Archived in Japan

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